What places will be affected?
People close to the coast, people near beaches.
What else do we need to think about?
New areas for people to live because the houses will get destroyed. Using public transport, get an electric car don't drive when you are the only using the car.
What other places around NZ will be affected?
Pacific Island People near the coast and beaches
What does this do to our drinking water?
The people on the coast will have more saltwater.
What are the main concerns?
The floods.
What can we do?
- Use public transport.
- Electric car.
- Solar panels.
What is the one, silver bullet solution?
Nothing cause no scientist is going to figure out a way to get rid of climate change.
What is the mix of things we need to start doing?
- Solar heating.
- Renewable energy.
- Get rid of fossil fuel
What are 3 others you can think of?
- Walking.
- Biking.
- Reuse and recycle.