
Monday, 23 November 2020

Condensation (Science)

Filtration: Solid + Liquid >

Evaporation: Liquid ( solid dissolved in liquid) > gas > solid

Distillation: Liquid ( solid dissolved in liquid) > gas > liquid solid

What is : 
Evaporation: heating liquid, turns to a gas so we can separate a solution, by evaporating away the solvent to leave a solute (solid).

Condensation: cooling down a gas, turn into a liquid it is a reverse of evaporation where liquid water becomes a vapour.

Aim: To separate a solute from a solvent in a solution using distillation.

Equipment: A solution of saltwater, conical flask, heatproof mat, a delivery tube and bung, Bunsen burner, tripod, gauze mat, retort stand, boss head, and clamp, boiling tube


  1. Set up equipment as shown in the diagram.
  2. Add approximately 50 ml of saltwater to your conical flask.
  3. Light your Bunsen burner. Open the air hole and gently push the Bunsen burner under tripod.
  4. Heat the solution until most of the solvent has been evaporated. Turn off your Bunsen burner.
I think that when we heat the coke zero we won't see in solid after it is finish but I do think that when we do it to the normal coke it will leave sugar behind.

  • So for the first few minutes there were small bubbles that would occur a few times.
  • After awhile the coke started to evaporate.
  • The gas started to condensation and turned into liquid.
  • Now the coke is changing from coke to water the more the liquid starts evaporate because after the gas starts to condensation and turn into liquid.
  • After it is all finish there is only a thick layer of sugar that is black, there are also some of the colour and adaptive.
All that was left behind in the normal coke was lots of dissolved sugar and in the coke zero there was less dissolved sugar and adaptive.

Monday, 9 November 2020

Science (Dilution)

 Aim: The aim of this experiment is to do Serial Dilution

Method: 6 test tube in the first test tube we put 10ml of water and in the rest we put 5ml, we put potassium permanganate to the 10ml test tube. Move 5ml of the liquid from the 1st test tube to the next and next etc.

Hypothesis: That test tube 6 will be the most dilution and the 1st test tube will be the most concentration.

The one that the most concentration was the 1st test tube, I knew that it was going to be the 1st test tube before we started because. We put the potassium permanganate so when we put 5ml of water.