Large Vacuole - A large vacuole is found inside of a plants cell, vacuole are within the cytoplasm of a cell that function's in several different ways. In mature plants cells vacuole tend to be very large and are extremely important.
Cell Wall - A cell wall is structure surrendering some types of cell, just outside the cell membrane it can be tough, flexible, and sometimes rigid. It provides the cell with both structural support and protection.
Cell Membrane - Cell membrane act as barriers and gatekeepers, the cell membrane also works as an selective filter because it chooses what to let in and what to let out.
Chloroplast - Chloroplast are plant cells that change light energy into a relatively stable chemical energy via the photosynthetic process.
Cytoplasm - A cytoplasm is a thick solution that fills each cell and is enclosed by the cell membrane, it mainly contains composed waters, salts, and proteins.
Nucleus - A nucleus is a cell membrane-bound organelle that contains the cells chromosomes, it also controls the activities of the cell.