I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Monday, 10 December 2018
What it's like in Australia schools.
Schooling in Australia you have to do 13 years of school so that means in Australia you will start school at 3 years old and end at 16 years old. School start at 9:00am and end at 3:30pm so they still got the same amount of hours as NZ because we start at 8:30am and finish at 3:00pm. Australia school has the same amount of days like they go to school for 7 days but they have 180 days of school each year. Australia start school on 22 janury and they Finnish December the 13 in Australia the days they celebrate are Australia Day, New Year's Day, good Friday, Boxing Day, Easter Monday, Christmas Day Anzac Day, Labor Day and the queens birthday thank you for reading about Australia.
Monday, 3 December 2018
Cybersmart Reflection
My favourite thing about Cybersmart this year was scratch coding it was cool. The thing I didn't enjoy was the work some of the work would be cool and fun but some you just want to go to sleep that's how boring it was. My Cybersmart teacher is nice sometimes but she teaches us helpful ideas like how to be safe by taking a photo like blur out your license plate your school uniform because some stalker could come and wait outside your school and might kidnap you. My Cybersmart could explain better because sometimes I don't get what your saying so I ask someone else. In term 1 we were learning how to be a smart learn so that's like being safe on social media in term 2 we we're learning about smart foot print so if a person goes on Facebook and post something they will know that it stays there. Term 3 was about smart relationships so it is a person who know who there dating on social media in term 4 smart user is a person who know how to use there device to learn and know how to use tools appreciate.
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Science roadshow
Today people came to our school they were doing science and they brag a lot of cool experience there was one that was like a illusion. So what would happen is you would go inside something and there was curtains around you and it had black and white strips on it. The curtains would move around you and you will start feeling dizzy and it was like your moving but your not. When you come out your about to fall over.
There was a thing that show how your bones work when your riding a bike so there is two bikes and they are connected together so at the speed your riding it will go at the same paste. you see what your bones do it's really cool and he was wearing some cool sunglasses he was the best skeleton. What they were trying to teach us was how our bones work so what happens when you padel your bones would bend.
The first thing we learnt about was temperature so what they did to show us about temperature was they got a thing that freezes things so they called up a volunteer so they put a ball throw a hop it fit very well but when he put it in the ice. He brought the hoop back out and they but the ball through the hoop it wouldn't fit it's because when you put it in ice it makes the hoop smaller that why it didn't fit.
There was a thing that show how your bones work when your riding a bike so there is two bikes and they are connected together so at the speed your riding it will go at the same paste. you see what your bones do it's really cool and he was wearing some cool sunglasses he was the best skeleton. What they were trying to teach us was how our bones work so what happens when you padel your bones would bend.
The first thing we learnt about was temperature so what they did to show us about temperature was they got a thing that freezes things so they called up a volunteer so they put a ball throw a hop it fit very well but when he put it in the ice. He brought the hoop back out and they but the ball through the hoop it wouldn't fit it's because when you put it in ice it makes the hoop smaller that why it didn't fit.
Monday, 26 November 2018
Hi Emma,
My name is Tyler and I go to Hornby high. I'm in year 7 this year but next year I will be a year 8. What I like to do in my free time is watch Netflix or play fortnite, I also enjoy playing outside it nice I use to have a cat but it ran away I got over it. What do you like to do in your free time? Do you play fortnite?
Over the holidays I will be going to Auckland it will be fun because my family's there and in Auckland I will be doing my summer learning journey in Auckland that means I will be working on commenting on people's blog to get points.
If I won the summer learning journey I would like movie tickets with sweets, maybe a new cat :), Bluetooth speaker.
My name is Tyler and I go to Hornby high. I'm in year 7 this year but next year I will be a year 8. What I like to do in my free time is watch Netflix or play fortnite, I also enjoy playing outside it nice I use to have a cat but it ran away I got over it. What do you like to do in your free time? Do you play fortnite?
Over the holidays I will be going to Auckland it will be fun because my family's there and in Auckland I will be doing my summer learning journey in Auckland that means I will be working on commenting on people's blog to get points.
If I won the summer learning journey I would like movie tickets with sweets, maybe a new cat :), Bluetooth speaker.
Friday, 23 November 2018
Purple Cabbage
Today at science we were doing something called purple cabbage we had to turn it into a purple milkshake but it would taste very yuck joking we didn't drink it but we did make it into a milk shake it smelled like kiwi fruit but the smell was very strong.
Purple Cabbage Experiment
Last period in science we looked at the pH scale. Today we are going to make a purple cabbage indicator that will test the acidity or alkalinity of white vinegar and washing powder. The indicator is neutral and has a pH of 7.
Answer the following questions before you start the experiment.
What colour do you think the white vinegar will turn the purple cabbage indicator?
Why do you think this?
What colour do you think the washing powder will turn the purple cabbage indicator?
Why do you think this?
1 Peel off three or four big cabbage leaves and put them in a blender filled half full with water. Blend the mixture on high until you have purple cabbage juice.
2 Pour the purplish cabbage liquid through a strainer to filter out all of the big chunks of cabbage. Save the liquid for the experiments to follow.
3 Set out three beakers, side by side. Fill each glass three-quarters full with cabbage juice.
4 Add a little vinegar to the first beaker of cabbage juice. Stir with stirring rod and watch the colour change.
5 In the second beaker, add a little laundry detergent and stir.
6 Take a photo of your 3 beakers side by side.
Were your answers right or wrong?
What number do you think the white vinegar would be on the pH scale?
What number do you think the washing powder would be on the pH scale?
Complete a blog post with photos.
Purple Cabbage Experiment
Last period in science we looked at the pH scale. Today we are going to make a purple cabbage indicator that will test the acidity or alkalinity of white vinegar and washing powder. The indicator is neutral and has a pH of 7.
Answer the following questions before you start the experiment.
What colour do you think the white vinegar will turn the purple cabbage indicator?
Why do you think this?
What colour do you think the washing powder will turn the purple cabbage indicator?
Why do you think this?
1 Peel off three or four big cabbage leaves and put them in a blender filled half full with water. Blend the mixture on high until you have purple cabbage juice.
2 Pour the purplish cabbage liquid through a strainer to filter out all of the big chunks of cabbage. Save the liquid for the experiments to follow.
3 Set out three beakers, side by side. Fill each glass three-quarters full with cabbage juice.
4 Add a little vinegar to the first beaker of cabbage juice. Stir with stirring rod and watch the colour change.
5 In the second beaker, add a little laundry detergent and stir.
6 Take a photo of your 3 beakers side by side.
Were your answers right or wrong?
What number do you think the white vinegar would be on the pH scale?
What number do you think the washing powder would be on the pH scale?
Complete a blog post with photos.
Thursday, 22 November 2018
Passion Project
today at passion project we printed our poster and we putted it up on the windows then we printed off our forms for the students to give to there parents and sign it so they could come we did a lot of work more then on Monday we emailed a lot of people to ask if they could help us on the day of family fun day and Mr Minoto helped us a lot if we did something wrong he would help us fix the problem. so on family fun day it will be parent vs student then after all of the sports there will be a sausage sizzle and it will be free if you want to come and join come to Hornby High on December the 5th it starts at 5pm-7pm it will be a lot of fun I promise you it won't be boring the sports are base ball, basketball, netball, football and tug of war. tug of war will be the last because it is such a nice sport to play with family and we might add a extra sport at the end for everyone to play together so please come down and have some fun.
Monday, 19 November 2018
Passion project
at today's passion project we were learning about sport tournament and my manger thought that it would be a good idea to name our group bald William because his got a bald hair it's not a good name but we do have Vin diesel in our group. what I have learned today is that you have to plan something before you do it because we were doing a lot of things that we forgot to do our planning but lucky a teacher came and helped us plan our plan. after he helped us we finished our plan and we finished our poster we tried our hardest to get it all done at first we were mocking around but when we got told what to do we foces on our work and we gave it our hardest. It helps us by making us try our hardest next time because you look at your work you know you can do better next time because you know it wasn't enough work and it might be year 5 or 4 level it has to be your best work. our next step is to get everything ready and do it like asking Mr rogers if we could use some equipment or the gym or kids so that we could teach them about that sport but me and my group are doing students vs parents. these are the sports that we will be doing baseball, netball, basket ball, football (soccer) and tug of war here is some of my work this is my poster.
SLJ Fact about Australia
Today at cybersmart we are learning about summer learning it is when you do writing in the holidays and you gain points for how many times you blog or comment on someone blog and if you get the highest score you will get something that you want and who ever get the highest out of the whole cluster you win a brand new chromebook so Today we had to pick a flag to answer questions to and I chose Australia.
The capital of Australia is Canberra and the rest of cities are Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne and Adelaide.
The population in Australia is 24.2 million people.
On January 26 Australia celebrate Australia Day.
The capital of Australia Canberra is on the north part of Australia.
The most language spoken is English because %73 of the population speaks English.
The capital of Australia is Canberra and the rest of cities are Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne and Adelaide.
The population in Australia is 24.2 million people.
On January 26 Australia celebrate Australia Day.
The capital of Australia Canberra is on the north part of Australia.
The most language spoken is English because %73 of the population speaks English.
Monday, 29 October 2018
Austin Post
The search bar is we're you write what you want to know so say you wanted to type up seal it would come up with a person not a seal so try typing seals. Natural result is a pice of information that keep coming up so your trying to find out something about a bottle then you type up something else then the same information is going to come up filters are things you go to find more information about that thing you typed up. The way post Malone got his name is when he was around 15 14 there was a basketball player and his name was Karl Malone so he thought of his last name and his name was post Malone.
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Fish in a Tree
Around the start of term 1 we started reading a book that was called fish in a tree and it's not a fish in a tree it's about a girl her name is Ally Nickerson at the start of the book she was lonely and she was shy because Ally had dyslexia and she was scared that she would mock her. But later though out the book she meets Albert and Kekaha they are her friends the story is about drama and friendship and bullies the bullies names are Jessica and shay there mean they call her dumb when there dumb.
Saturday, 15 September 2018

At science we did an experiment about ice cold water so we had to do is put one ice in a cup then put salt inside the cup not to much do after that we had to put a match in but we had to have it on top of the ice then you want to put salt on top of the ice and match after that leave it there for a while then when you pick up the match then the match should be stuck to the ice and here is the reason it is because of when you put the salt in the water the salt makes the ice melt more faster then that means more cold energy so it will freeze the match in place that means when you left the match up it will be stuck to the ice and the water will be cold.
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Elephant paste
last week at science we were doing elephant tooth paste it lot of fun we were put into groups of four and in my group was Rieya, Megan and me we made ours a type of black colour it was only that colour because we mixed red and purple together and after we put all the ingredients in it was very toxic and if you drink it you will probably die but back to the story when we finish the making thew mixture we had to make this other liquid that was brown about 5 to 6 minutes for it to get watery then you want to tip the brown liquid in to the mixture that you made before soon after you have tip the liquid there should be stuff coming out when me and my group did ours the colour was pink so whatever food colouring you put in it will come out with that same colour.
Friday, 24 August 2018
Sugar balance
Today at science we had to setup a buns burner and we had to grab a test tube and put a bit of sugar in it and then we had to turn the buns burner and we had to put a type of liquid in the test tube with the bits of sugar then we had to swirl the test tube around the fire and remember always to wear safety glasses safety first and after it should turn orange after you have burned the test tube. And don't have sugar after bed because when you do you will stay up and you won't even go to sleep.
Testing for Simple Sugars (Benedict's Test)
I want to find out how to test for simple sugars.
Simple sugars are carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed by the body to produce energy. They are also classified as “simple” because they contain only one or two units of sugar or saccharides. Also referred to as simple carbohydrates, these sugars are found naturally in a variety of foods that we consume daily.
Safety glasses
Bunsen burner
Test tubes
Test tube tongs
Benedict's Solution
Food sample
Place about 2mL of the food sample into a test tube and then add 5 drops of Benedict's solution and 5ml of water
Gently heat the test tube over a blue flame. DO NOT BOIL!
A positive test for a simple sugar results in the Benedict's Solution changing from a blue colour to a yellow colour to an orange/red colour.
Extra for experts
Two different types of sugar exist: simple and complex. Complex sugar takes longer for your body to break down and is healthier for your body. This type is found in natural carbohydrates such as whole grains and fruit. On the other hand, simple sugar is broken down by your body quickly and causes energy ups and downs. This type of sugar includes refined and processed sugar found in table sugar and added to many sweets. Consuming an excess of simple sugar comes with numerous health problems
Testing for Simple Sugars (Benedict's Test)
I want to find out how to test for simple sugars.
Simple sugars are carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed by the body to produce energy. They are also classified as “simple” because they contain only one or two units of sugar or saccharides. Also referred to as simple carbohydrates, these sugars are found naturally in a variety of foods that we consume daily.
Safety glasses
Bunsen burner
Test tubes
Test tube tongs
Benedict's Solution
Food sample
Place about 2mL of the food sample into a test tube and then add 5 drops of Benedict's solution and 5ml of water
Gently heat the test tube over a blue flame. DO NOT BOIL!
A positive test for a simple sugar results in the Benedict's Solution changing from a blue colour to a yellow colour to an orange/red colour.
Extra for experts
Two different types of sugar exist: simple and complex. Complex sugar takes longer for your body to break down and is healthier for your body. This type is found in natural carbohydrates such as whole grains and fruit. On the other hand, simple sugar is broken down by your body quickly and causes energy ups and downs. This type of sugar includes refined and processed sugar found in table sugar and added to many sweets. Consuming an excess of simple sugar comes with numerous health problems
Friday, 17 August 2018
Equipment in science
In science today we made a DLO about the science equipment because we didn't know much about the equipment so we did a DLO and we had to match the word to the pictures and we had to do a lot. The only reason why we did that was because the teacher wanted us to because when she would tell us to go and get that. And we would know what to grab because we didn't do this DLO we might have not know what to get. I'm truly sorry that I couldn't get the doc on my blog so if you are wanting to see the doc go on my friends blog his name is Callum. He will have the doc on his blog I will put the names of the science equipment but on Callum acounnt he will have the names and the pictures of where the names should go. So here are the names of the science equipment remember check out my friends acounnt.
Science equipment
Bunsen Burner
Dimple Tray (Spotting Tile)
Conical Flask
Heat Mat Beaker
Gauze Mat
Measuring Cylinder
Stirring Rod
Test Tube Tongs Scissor Tongs Spatula
Science equipment
Bunsen Burner
Dimple Tray (Spotting Tile)
Conical Flask
Heat Mat Beaker
Gauze Mat
Measuring Cylinder
Stirring Rod
Test Tube Tongs Scissor Tongs Spatula
Monday, 13 August 2018
Respecting Properties
This week we have been learning respecting belief, properties, places and people so we had
to make a DLO about respect but we had to chose what to make a DLO about one of them and it has to have sismo so thats is sound sight motion I don't know what the I means so yeah and you had to get in to pears. So me and my partner Levi used powtoon we were talking about properties but we failed because we didn't just talk about properties we talk about places and peoples do we didn't have any sound but we still some good feed back so next time we can use that feed back and maybe it will be a awesome DLO I'm really sorry that I couldn't but the DLO on my blog but if you were to see it. It probly be a alright DLO it didn't really have much but it did show stuff about respect so yeah.
to make a DLO about respect but we had to chose what to make a DLO about one of them and it has to have sismo so thats is sound sight motion I don't know what the I means so yeah and you had to get in to pears. So me and my partner Levi used powtoon we were talking about properties but we failed because we didn't just talk about properties we talk about places and peoples do we didn't have any sound but we still some good feed back so next time we can use that feed back and maybe it will be a awesome DLO I'm really sorry that I couldn't but the DLO on my blog but if you were to see it. It probly be a alright DLO it didn't really have much but it did show stuff about respect so yeah.
Friday, 10 August 2018
Make a paperclip float
How does it work
The way the paper clip float is the that when you put the tissue paper in the water it will recongnise that the paper is in the water and the molecules will should pull tight enough to make the paper clip but the paper clip doesn't float because the molecules hold the paper clip up so you can say that the it is getting held up.
What's needed
Paper clip
Tissue paper
Becker or glass
What to do
You need to get a Beaker or a glass then you need to cut the tissue paper just enough to fit the tissue on it then it should float then try to take the tissue out and see if it floats it should but look out because when you hit it. It will drop.
The way the paper clip float is the that when you put the tissue paper in the water it will recongnise that the paper is in the water and the molecules will should pull tight enough to make the paper clip but the paper clip doesn't float because the molecules hold the paper clip up so you can say that the it is getting held up.
What's needed
Paper clip
Tissue paper
Becker or glass
What to do
You need to get a Beaker or a glass then you need to cut the tissue paper just enough to fit the tissue on it then it should float then try to take the tissue out and see if it floats it should but look out because when you hit it. It will drop.
Monday, 6 August 2018
Act of Kindness
What will you do if you see someone in need? Benevolence
I would go and help them or if there was a person on the street I would go give them food is or money. If I have money when older I want to help the people are on the side of the street because watching this video about this man who did act of kindness. He would feed a dog that was on the street and he would give money to the little girl and he would give this old lady bannas and he would help a lady pull her cart up the road. And it looked heavy and he would do that every single day. Until one day he went to the little girl to give her money but she wasn't there she was gone after a second she ran toward him and guess where she came from she came from school. that man kind of give of her a chance and the old lady that he would give bannas to she found him and said thank you and brought him into her house. And lady he would she said thank you to see what act of kindness can do and the word benevolence means kindness.
I would go and help them or if there was a person on the street I would go give them food is or money. If I have money when older I want to help the people are on the side of the street because watching this video about this man who did act of kindness. He would feed a dog that was on the street and he would give money to the little girl and he would give this old lady bannas and he would help a lady pull her cart up the road. And it looked heavy and he would do that every single day. Until one day he went to the little girl to give her money but she wasn't there she was gone after a second she ran toward him and guess where she came from she came from school. that man kind of give of her a chance and the old lady that he would give bannas to she found him and said thank you and brought him into her house. And lady he would she said thank you to see what act of kindness can do and the word benevolence means kindness.
Friday, 3 August 2018
today we made this lava lamp in a bottles if you want to make one then go to lars or axles or vann there blogs have the stuff to make the lava lamp it is very cool there are some photos on those peoples blog that I told you about and did you know that the oil is litter then the water see I'm smart that was a fact so make sure you go and look on there blog because it is amazing and you know you want to look at it and even better you know that you want to make it your self but make sure that there is a parent it is always fun with your parents.
Monday, 30 July 2018
Student profile 2018
This is me
Hi my name is Tyler and I'm half Tongan and half cook island I'm 11 years old I'm a year 7 and I have 1 sister and 4 brothers and I attend Hornby high school our school got rebuilt because it was getting old I guess so they busted it down. And built A new but there not done it nice being at another school because you get to make new friends and you will have a new teacher I have the best teacher ever she's the best of best we are learning about Respect. So we are learning to respect one another and respect the envirenment and other things like property we are trying to improve our writing I like to play league and base ball. Our new buildings are very flash but the cafe food they change it. I like the old one because they had better food the only food I like at the cafe is pizza, sushi and cookies.
Wednesday, 27 June 2018
Taha Hineugaro
Our kete this term we are learning about wellbeing and health and there four dimensions I will tell you them now Taha Tinana - physical, Taha Wairua - spiritual, Taha Hineugaro - Mental/Emotional and Taha Whanau - Family/Relationships. But the one that I'm going to talk about is Taha Hineugaro for this active we had to find a pair after that we had to make a slide or something else but me and my partner picked slide. Then we made a story fake story's so it not real I'm sorry because I can't show the slide because this I pad won't let me but if you want to have a look at it go look on my partners blog. He has the slide on his blog his name is Lars here is a piece of information that my teacher gave me and whole class the four dimensions are like a whare with the four sides and if you don't look after one your house falls down do keep them look after.
Monday, 25 June 2018
My Kahoot game
This cyber smart we had to pair and make a Kahoot about being safe online and posting the wrong photos not wrong but like not we're to post like in your bed room and your bathrooms and not to do it at school because they will see your school uniform after that they will look at the logo then they will come to your school then they will stalk you after that they are going to kidnap you so make sure blur your personal information that is in your photo like your logo to your school and your license plate if you don't know how then just stand in front of your license plate and cover your school logo that all.
https://drive.google.com/file/ d/12_9vidxa182jere7YBF8N1Z_ x9cR4Nwe/view
Friday, 22 June 2018
7AL Hui
Sup on Friday 22-6-18 my class was doing our Hui if you don't know what Hui means it just meeting I felt happy because we're going to perform to the school and I like to perform well I like it but I like sports more but back to the Hui the people who was speaking was Hope, Callum, Levi, Skyler, Axle, Blake, Keghan, Megan, Matua, Tehya and Rieya I'm pretty sure we did role play and we had. A Filipino presentation and they taught us some Filipino words and we had to sing without songs because the sound wasn't working so we had to sing with no sound so that all bye.
Friday, 8 June 2018
Sherbet making
Sherbet recipe
1tsp of powdered drink crystals (eg refresh)
1/4 tsp citric acid
1/4 tsp tartaric acid
1/4 tsp -baking soda.
Put all ingredients into a zip lock bag, stir with a wooden stick and enjoy.
Describe effect in mouth / tongue:
Fizzy, sweet, sour
Caused by acids and sugar
Taste: sweet, sour,
Caused by tartaric acid, citric acid, icing sugar
Acidity / sweetness: it was very sweet
1tsp of powdered drink crystals (eg refresh)
1/4 tsp citric acid
1/4 tsp tartaric acid
1/4 tsp -baking soda.
Put all ingredients into a zip lock bag, stir with a wooden stick and enjoy.
Describe effect in mouth / tongue:
Fizzy, sweet, sour
Caused by acids and sugar
Taste: sweet, sour,
Caused by tartaric acid, citric acid, icing sugar
Acidity / sweetness: it was very sweet
Friday, 13 April 2018
Street Art
The reason I did jungle is because it is where I think I stand and the place I stand is the jungle because that where I can be myself.
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